Re-wild your everyday diet with our CSA subscription service. Every month I will craft exclusive and limited batch creations to bring the flavors and essence of desert and mountain southwest to you. For the cost of around $30.00 a month you will receive a box of 3 special items not found in our usual product line, we will also include recipes, use suggestions, and interesting information about the ingredients. By subscribing, you are supporting a small business and special way of life. Subscriptions will be limited, and the offerings often seasonal.
Here is an example of what kinds of things will be in our boxes.
* Desert dream time tea * Chamomile and desert lavender with desert willow blossoms
* 4 Mesquite cardamom cookies *(GF) made with mesquite and almond flour, these GF cookies are a nice evening treat
* Pinion cone syrup* a sweet essence of the high desert, this syrup is great for cocktails and deserts.